
MySQL - python3 database



Add permission to read the xelo2 database but not to modify it.

GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW, TRIGGER ON xelo2.* TO `user`@`localhost` ;

Allowed values

Possible values are stored in the table allowed_values. To allow for additional values, you need to add a new row to the allowed_values table.

The only exception is the name of the experimenters. You need to change the experimenters directly (because we use the id from that table).


You should make sure that for each allowed_values, there is a constraint in the corresponding table.

Alias and Doc

You can add a more informative name (including spaces) and documentation to each column. You need to edit column_comment from the columns table in information_schema. Make sure that you use the right syntax: alias: documentation (use only one column to separate the alias from the doc). So, for example, “Date of Birth: Date of birth of the participant”.


Subtables should follow the naming format maintable_name, so for example the subtable for the motor tasks should be runs_motor. Note that runs should be plural, then underscore, then text without underscore.

For example, you can create a table like this:

CREATE TABLE `runs_motor` (
  `runs_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `overt_covert` text DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Overt / Covert',
  UNIQUE KEY `run_id` (`run_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `runs_flip_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`run_id`) REFERENCES `runs` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ;

To make sure that subtables are correctly linked to the main table, you need to create two triggers for each table. Use this syntax:

First trigger

In the maintable (f.e. runs), you should specify an INSERT / AFTER trigger (called it insert_id_to_subtable_runs_motor):

  IF NEW.task_name = 'motor'
    INSERT INTO runs_motor (run_id) VALUES ( ;

You need to change:

  • task_name to the column name in the main table
  • 'motor' to the value it needs to match
  • runs_motor is the name of the subtable
  • run_id which should have the syntax (maintable)_id (main table without trailing s)

If a condition matches multiple values, then you can use this syntax

  IF NEW.task_name IN ('motor', 'sensory')
    INSERT INTO runs_motor (run_id) VALUES ( ;

Second trigger

In the maintable (f.e. runs), you should specify an UPDATE / AFTER trigger (called it replace_id_to_subtable_runs_motor):

  IF NEW.task_name <> OLD.task_name AND
    NEW.task_name = 'motor' AND NOT IN (SELECT `run_id` FROM `runs_motor`)
    INSERT INTO runs_motor (run_id) VALUES ( ;

Change the values as in the first trigger. The 3 conditions are:

  • check that the main condition related to the subtable has changed
  • check that the main condition has the correct value (you might need IN syntax instead of = when you have multiple values)
  • check whether the id already exists in the subtable. This happens when the task was motor, then it was changed to something else, then back to motor. The old info is still stored in the subtable even when the condition does not apply. This approach leaves some old data in the subtables (which is not shown and possibly not relevant) but it’s useful when a user changes the condition by mistake, and then goes back. It would be disappointing to add the info in the subtable again.

SQL examples


Update PRESTO sequence with the appropriate parameters:

UPDATE `recordings_mri` SET  `SliceOrder` = '3D', `PhaseEncodingDirection` = 'PA', `SliceEncodingDirection` = 'RL' WHERE `Sequence` = '3T PRESTO';

3T T1w

If task is 3T T1w, use this syntax

UPDATE `recordings_mri` SET  `SliceOrder` = 'Sequential', `SliceEncodingDirection` = 'IS' WHERE `Sequence` = '3T T1w';

I don’t think that PhaseEncodingDirection is relevant here.


If task is flair, use this syntax

UPDATE `recordings_mri` SET `Sequence` = '3T FLAIR' WHERE `recording_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `recordings` WHERE `run_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `runs` WHERE `task_name` = 'flair_anatomy_scan'));

Recording Offset

Here is how to compute the offset for the recordings. Event should refer to the same event in the recordings (TRC) and in the

run = Run(db, id=i_run)
run_start = run.start_time
run_event =[i_event_run]['onset']

d = Dataset(path_to_dat)
rec_start = d.header['start_time']
rec_event = d.read_markers()[i_event_dat]['start']

offset = (rec_start - run_start).total_seconds() + (rec_event - run_event)