Module xelo2.bids.root
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from json import dump, load
from pathlib import Path
from copy import copy as c
from collections import defaultdict
from logging import getLogger
from datetime import date, datetime
from shutil import copy, rmtree
from bidso.utils import replace_extension
from PyQt5.QtSql import QSqlQuery
from ..api import list_subjects, Run
from .mri import convert_mri
from .ephys import convert_ephys
from .physio import convert_physio
from .events import convert_events
from .utils import rename_task, prepare_subset, add_extra_fields_to_json
from .templates import (
# protocols
lg = getLogger(__name__)
def create_bids(db, data_path, deface=True, subset=None, keep_phase=False):
if subset is not None:
subset = add_intended_for(db, subset)
subset_subj = set(subset['subjects'])
subset_sess = set(subset['sessions'])
subset_run = set(subset['runs'])
data_path = Path(data_path)
if data_path.exists():
rmtree(data_path, ignore_errors=True)
data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# the dataset_description.json is used by find_root, in some subscripts
intendedfor = {}
scans_json = {}
participants = []
for subj in list_subjects(db):
bids_name = {
'sub': None,
'ses': None,
'task': None,
'acq': None,
'rec': None,
'dir': None,
'run': None,
'recording': None, # only for physiology
if subset is not None and not in subset_subj:
# use relative date based on date_of_signature
reference_dates = [p.date_of_signature for p in subj.list_protocols()]
reference_dates = [date for date in reference_dates if date is not None]
if len(reference_dates) == 0:
lg.warning(f'You need to add at least one research protocol with dates for {}')'Using date of the first task performed by the subject')
reference_dates = [x.start_time for x in subj.list_sessions() if x.start_time is not None]
if len(reference_dates):
reference_date = min(reference_dates).date()
reference_date = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) # if no task has dates, then use a random date
reference_date = max(reference_dates)'Adding {}')
codes =
if len(codes) == 0:
code = 'id{}' # use id if code is empty
code = codes[0]
bids_name['sub'] = 'sub-' + code
subj_path = data_path / bids_name['sub']
subj_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if subj.date_of_birth is None:
lg.warning(f'You need to add date_of_birth to {}')
age = 'n/a'
age = (reference_date - subj.date_of_birth).days // 365.2425
age = f'{age:.0f}'
patient_or_healthy = 'patient'
for p in subj.list_protocols():
if p.metc in PROTOCOL_HEALTHY:
patient_or_healthy = 'healthy'
'participant_id': bids_name['sub'],
'age': age,
'group': patient_or_healthy,
sess_count = defaultdict(int)
sess_files = []
for sess in subj.list_sessions():
sess_count[_make_sess_name(sess)] += 1 # also count the sessions which are not included
if subset is not None and not in subset_sess:
bids_name['ses'] = f'ses-{_make_sess_name(sess)}{sess_count[_make_sess_name(sess)]}'
sess_path = subj_path / bids_name['ses']
sess_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)'Adding {bids_name["sub"]} / {bids_name["ses"]}')
'session_id': bids_name['ses'],
'resection': 'n/a',
'implantation': 'no',
if in ('IEMU', 'OR', 'CT'):
sess_files[-1]['implantation'] = 'yes'
run_count = defaultdict(int)
run_files = []
for run in sess.list_runs():
run_count[run.task_name] += 1 # also count the runs which are not included
if subset is not None and not in subset_run:
if len(run.list_recordings()) == 0:
lg.warning(f'No recordings for {}/{run.task_name}')
acquisition = get_bids_acquisition(run)
bids_name['run'] = f'run-{run_count[run.task_name]}'
if acquisition in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg', 'func'):
bids_name['task'] = f'task-{rename_task(run.task_name)}'
bids_name['task'] = None
mod_path = sess_path / acquisition
mod_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)'Adding {bids_name["sub"]} / {bids_name["ses"]} / {acquisition} / {bids_name["task"]} ({run})')
data_name = None
for rec in run.list_recordings():
# dir can only go with bold and epi modality
if rec.modality in ('bold', 'epi') and rec.PhaseEncodingDirection is not None:
bids_name['dir'] = 'dir-' + rec.PhaseEncodingDirection
bids_name['dir'] = None
if rec.modality in ('bold', 'T1w', 'T2w', 'T2star', 'PD', 'FLAIR', 'angio', 'epi'):
data_name = convert_mri(run, rec, mod_path, c(bids_name), deface)
elif rec.modality in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg'):
if run.duration is None:
lg.warning(f'You need to specify duration for {}/{run}')
data_name = convert_ephys(run, rec, mod_path, c(bids_name), intendedfor)
elif rec.modality == 'physio':
if data_name is None:
lg.warning('physio only works after another recording modality')
elif acquisition == 'fmap':'physio was recorded but BIDS says that it should not be included in fmap')
convert_physio(rec, mod_path, c(bids_name))
lg.warning(f'Unknown modality {rec.modality} for {rec}')
if data_name is not None and acquisition in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg', 'func'):
convert_events(run, mod_path, c(bids_name))
if data_name is not None and rec.modality != 'physio': # secondary modality
intendedfor[] = data_name
fields = {
'filename': data_name,
'acq_time': _set_date_to_1900(reference_date, run.start_time).isoformat(timespec='seconds'),
run_files.append(add_extra_fields_to_json(run, fields, scans_json))
if len(run_files) == 0:
tsv_file = sess_path / f'{bids_name["sub"]}_{bids_name["ses"]}_scans.tsv'
if run_files:
_list_scans(tsv_file, c(run_files), sess_path)
tsv_file = subj_path / f'{bids_name["sub"]}_sessions.tsv'
if sess_files:
_list_scans(tsv_file, sess_files, data_path)
json_sessions = tsv_file.with_suffix('.json')
copy(JSON_SESSIONS, json_sessions) #
# add IntendedFor for top_up scans
_add_intendedfor(db, data_path, intendedfor)
# remove phase because we get lots of warnings from BIDS
if not keep_phase:
# here the rest
if len(scans_json) > 0:
with (data_path / 'scans.json').open('w') as f:
dump(scans_json, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=' ')
tsv_file = data_path / 'participants.tsv'
_list_scans(tsv_file, participants, data_path)
json_participants = tsv_file.with_suffix('.json')
copy(JSON_PARTICIPANTS, json_participants)
def _list_scans(tsv_file, scans, root_dir):
if 'filename' in scans[0]:
for scan in scans:
scan['filename'] = str(scan['filename'].relative_to(root_dir))
cols = _find_columns(scans)
with'w') as f:
f.write('\t'.join(cols) + '\n')
for scan in scans:
values = []
for k in cols:
values.append(scan.get(k, 'n/a'))
f.write('\t'.join(values) + '\n')
def _make_dataset_description(data_path):
"""Generate general description of the dataset
data_path : Path
root BIDS directory
d = {
"BIDSVersion": "1.2.1",
"License": "CC0",
"Authors": [
"Giovanni Piantoni",
"Nick Ramsey",
"Acknowledgements": "",
"HowToAcknowledge": '',
"Funding": [
"ReferencesAndLinks": ["", ],
"DatasetDOI": ""
with (data_path / 'dataset_description.json').open('w') as f:
dump(d, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=' ')
def get_bids_acquisition(run):
for recording in run.list_recordings():
modality = recording.modality
if modality == 'ieeg':
return 'ieeg'
elif modality == 'eeg':
return 'eeg'
elif modality == 'meg':
return 'meg'
elif modality in ('T1w', 'T2w', 'T2star', 'FLAIR', 'PD', 'angio'):
return 'anat'
elif modality in ('bold', 'phase'):
return 'func'
elif modality in ('epi', ):
return 'fmap'
elif modality in ('ct', ):
return 'ct'
raise ValueError(f'I cannot determine BIDS folder for {repr(run)}')
def add_intended_for(db, subset):
run_t1w = add_intended_for_elec(db, subset)
run_topup = add_intended_for_topup(db, subset)
intendedfor = run_t1w + run_topup
if len(intendedfor) == 0:
return subset
intendedfor_str = ', '.join(str(x) for x in intendedfor)
run_id_sql = f'`runs`.`id` in ({intendedfor_str})'
return prepare_subset(db, run_id_sql, subset=subset)
def add_intended_for_topup(db, subset):
"""Add topup"""
topups = []
for run_id in subset['runs']:
query = QSqlQuery(db['db'])
query.prepare("SELECT run_id FROM intended_for WHERE target = :targetid")
query.bindValue(':targetid', run_id)
if not query.exec():
raise SyntaxError(query.lastError().text())
return topups
def add_intended_for_elec(db, subset):
"""Electrodes also need the reference T1w images, so we add it here"""
reference_t1w = []
for run_id in subset['runs']:
run = Run(db, id=run_id)
for rec in run.list_recordings():
electrodes = rec.electrodes
if electrodes is not None:
t1w_id = electrodes.IntendedFor
if t1w_id is not None:
return reference_t1w
def _make_bids_config(data_path):
d = {
"ignore": [
"INCONSISTENT_SUBJECTS", # different tasks
"INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS", # different tasks
"MISSING_SESSION", # not all subjects have the same sessions
"warn": [],
"error": [],
"ignoredFiles": [
with (data_path / '.bids-validator-config.json').open('w') as f:
dump(d, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=' ')
def _make_README(data_path):
with (data_path / 'README').open('w') as f:
f.write('Converted with xelo2')
def _set_date_to_1900(base_date, datetime_of_interest):
if datetime_of_interest is None: # run.start_time is null
return datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
return datetime.combine(
date(1900, 1, 1) + ( - base_date),
def _make_sess_name(sess):
if == 'MRI':
MagneticFieldStrength = sess.MagneticFieldStrength
if MagneticFieldStrength is None:
lg.warning(f'Please specify Magnetic Field Strength for {sess}')
sess_name = 'mri'
elif MagneticFieldStrength == '1.5T': # we cannot use 1.5 in session name
sess_name = 'mri'
sess_name = MagneticFieldStrength.lower()
sess_name =
return sess_name
def _add_intendedfor(db, bids_dir, intendedfor):
for run_id, relative_path in intendedfor.items():
targets = find_intendedfor(db, run_id) # find all the targets
targets = set(targets) & set(intendedfor) # only targets in this dataset
if len(targets) == 0:
fields = []
for target_id in targets:
target_file = intendedfor[target_id]
target_file = target_file.relative_to(bids_dir)
# remove sub- from the path (note the inconsistency between fieldmaps and T1w/elec)
target_file = target_file.relative_to([0])
json_file = replace_extension(bids_dir / relative_path, '.json')
_add_intendedfor_to_json(json_file, fields)
def _add_intendedfor_to_json(json_file, fields):
if json_file.exists():
with as f:
sidecar = load(f)
lg.warning('Adding IntendedFor to {json_file}, but this file does not exist')
sidecar = {}
sidecar['IntendedFor'] = fields
with'w') as f:
dump(sidecar, f, indent=2)
def find_intendedfor(db, run_id):
query = QSqlQuery(db['db'])
query.prepare("SELECT target FROM intended_for WHERE run_id = :runid")
query.bindValue(':runid', run_id)
if not query.exec():
raise SyntaxError(query.lastError().text())
topups = []
return topups
def remove_phase(bids_dir):
"""I cannot specify phase.json so we get lots of errors when including phase.nii.gz
for phase in bids_dir.rglob('*_phase.nii.gz'):
def _find_columns(scans):
cols = []
for fields in scans:
for k in fields:
if k not in cols:
return cols
def add_intended_for(db, subset)
Expand source code
def add_intended_for(db, subset): run_t1w = add_intended_for_elec(db, subset) run_topup = add_intended_for_topup(db, subset) intendedfor = run_t1w + run_topup if len(intendedfor) == 0: return subset else: intendedfor_str = ', '.join(str(x) for x in intendedfor) run_id_sql = f'`runs`.`id` in ({intendedfor_str})' return prepare_subset(db, run_id_sql, subset=subset)
def add_intended_for_elec(db, subset)
Electrodes also need the reference T1w images, so we add it here
Expand source code
def add_intended_for_elec(db, subset): """Electrodes also need the reference T1w images, so we add it here""" reference_t1w = [] for run_id in subset['runs']: run = Run(db, id=run_id) for rec in run.list_recordings(): electrodes = rec.electrodes if electrodes is not None: t1w_id = electrodes.IntendedFor if t1w_id is not None: reference_t1w.append(t1w_id) return reference_t1w
def add_intended_for_topup(db, subset)
Add topup
Expand source code
def add_intended_for_topup(db, subset): """Add topup""" topups = [] for run_id in subset['runs']: query = QSqlQuery(db['db']) query.prepare("SELECT run_id FROM intended_for WHERE target = :targetid") query.bindValue(':targetid', run_id) if not query.exec(): raise SyntaxError(query.lastError().text()) while topups.append(query.value('run_id')) return topups
def create_bids(db, data_path, deface=True, subset=None, keep_phase=False)
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def create_bids(db, data_path, deface=True, subset=None, keep_phase=False): if subset is not None: subset = add_intended_for(db, subset) subset_subj = set(subset['subjects']) subset_sess = set(subset['sessions']) subset_run = set(subset['runs']) data_path = Path(data_path) if data_path.exists(): rmtree(data_path, ignore_errors=True) data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # the dataset_description.json is used by find_root, in some subscripts _make_dataset_description(data_path) intendedfor = {} scans_json = {} participants = [] for subj in list_subjects(db): bids_name = { 'sub': None, 'ses': None, 'task': None, 'acq': None, 'rec': None, 'dir': None, 'run': None, 'recording': None, # only for physiology } if subset is not None and not in subset_subj: continue # use relative date based on date_of_signature reference_dates = [p.date_of_signature for p in subj.list_protocols()] reference_dates = [date for date in reference_dates if date is not None] if len(reference_dates) == 0: lg.warning(f'You need to add at least one research protocol with dates for {}')'Using date of the first task performed by the subject') reference_dates = [x.start_time for x in subj.list_sessions() if x.start_time is not None] if len(reference_dates): reference_date = min(reference_dates).date() else: reference_date = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) # if no task has dates, then use a random date else: reference_date = max(reference_dates)'Adding {}') codes = if len(codes) == 0: code = 'id{}' # use id if code is empty else: code = codes[0] bids_name['sub'] = 'sub-' + code subj_path = data_path / bids_name['sub'] subj_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if subj.date_of_birth is None: lg.warning(f'You need to add date_of_birth to {}') age = 'n/a' else: age = (reference_date - subj.date_of_birth).days // 365.2425 age = f'{age:.0f}' patient_or_healthy = 'patient' for p in subj.list_protocols(): if p.metc in PROTOCOL_HEALTHY: patient_or_healthy = 'healthy' participants.append({ 'participant_id': bids_name['sub'], 'sex':, 'age': age, 'group': patient_or_healthy, }) sess_count = defaultdict(int) sess_files = [] for sess in subj.list_sessions(): sess_count[_make_sess_name(sess)] += 1 # also count the sessions which are not included if subset is not None and not in subset_sess: continue bids_name['ses'] = f'ses-{_make_sess_name(sess)}{sess_count[_make_sess_name(sess)]}' sess_path = subj_path / bids_name['ses'] sess_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)'Adding {bids_name["sub"]} / {bids_name["ses"]}') sess_files.append({ 'session_id': bids_name['ses'], 'resection': 'n/a', 'implantation': 'no', }) if in ('IEMU', 'OR', 'CT'): sess_files[-1]['implantation'] = 'yes' run_count = defaultdict(int) run_files = [] for run in sess.list_runs(): run_count[run.task_name] += 1 # also count the runs which are not included if subset is not None and not in subset_run: continue if len(run.list_recordings()) == 0: lg.warning(f'No recordings for {}/{run.task_name}') continue acquisition = get_bids_acquisition(run) bids_name['run'] = f'run-{run_count[run.task_name]}' if acquisition in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg', 'func'): bids_name['task'] = f'task-{rename_task(run.task_name)}' else: bids_name['task'] = None mod_path = sess_path / acquisition mod_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)'Adding {bids_name["sub"]} / {bids_name["ses"]} / {acquisition} / {bids_name["task"]} ({run})') data_name = None for rec in run.list_recordings(): # dir can only go with bold and epi modality if rec.modality in ('bold', 'epi') and rec.PhaseEncodingDirection is not None: bids_name['dir'] = 'dir-' + rec.PhaseEncodingDirection else: bids_name['dir'] = None if rec.modality in ('bold', 'T1w', 'T2w', 'T2star', 'PD', 'FLAIR', 'angio', 'epi'): data_name = convert_mri(run, rec, mod_path, c(bids_name), deface) elif rec.modality in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg'): if run.duration is None: lg.warning(f'You need to specify duration for {}/{run}') continue data_name = convert_ephys(run, rec, mod_path, c(bids_name), intendedfor) elif rec.modality == 'physio': if data_name is None: lg.warning('physio only works after another recording modality') elif acquisition == 'fmap':'physio was recorded but BIDS says that it should not be included in fmap') else: convert_physio(rec, mod_path, c(bids_name)) else: lg.warning(f'Unknown modality {rec.modality} for {rec}') continue if data_name is not None and acquisition in ('ieeg', 'eeg', 'meg', 'func'): convert_events(run, mod_path, c(bids_name)) if data_name is not None and rec.modality != 'physio': # secondary modality intendedfor[] = data_name fields = { 'filename': data_name, 'acq_time': _set_date_to_1900(reference_date, run.start_time).isoformat(timespec='seconds'), } run_files.append(add_extra_fields_to_json(run, fields, scans_json)) if len(run_files) == 0: continue tsv_file = sess_path / f'{bids_name["sub"]}_{bids_name["ses"]}_scans.tsv' if run_files: _list_scans(tsv_file, c(run_files), sess_path) tsv_file = subj_path / f'{bids_name["sub"]}_sessions.tsv' if sess_files: _list_scans(tsv_file, sess_files, data_path) json_sessions = tsv_file.with_suffix('.json') copy(JSON_SESSIONS, json_sessions) # # add IntendedFor for top_up scans _add_intendedfor(db, data_path, intendedfor) # remove phase because we get lots of warnings from BIDS if not keep_phase: remove_phase(data_path) # here the rest if len(scans_json) > 0: with (data_path / 'scans.json').open('w') as f: dump(scans_json, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=' ') _make_README(data_path) tsv_file = data_path / 'participants.tsv' _list_scans(tsv_file, participants, data_path) json_participants = tsv_file.with_suffix('.json') copy(JSON_PARTICIPANTS, json_participants) _make_bids_config(data_path)
def find_intendedfor(db, run_id)
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def find_intendedfor(db, run_id): query = QSqlQuery(db['db']) query.prepare("SELECT target FROM intended_for WHERE run_id = :runid") query.bindValue(':runid', run_id) if not query.exec(): raise SyntaxError(query.lastError().text()) topups = [] while topups.append(query.value('target')) return topups
def get_bids_acquisition(run)
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def get_bids_acquisition(run): for recording in run.list_recordings(): modality = recording.modality if modality == 'ieeg': return 'ieeg' elif modality == 'eeg': return 'eeg' elif modality == 'meg': return 'meg' elif modality in ('T1w', 'T2w', 'T2star', 'FLAIR', 'PD', 'angio'): return 'anat' elif modality in ('bold', 'phase'): return 'func' elif modality in ('epi', ): return 'fmap' elif modality in ('ct', ): return 'ct' raise ValueError(f'I cannot determine BIDS folder for {repr(run)}')
def remove_phase(bids_dir)
I cannot specify phase.json so we get lots of errors when including phase.nii.gz
Expand source code
def remove_phase(bids_dir): """I cannot specify phase.json so we get lots of errors when including phase.nii.gz """ for phase in bids_dir.rglob('*_phase.nii.gz'): phase.unlink()